2018 – Plans, Goals, & Dreams…

With a little nudge from Twitter, I have decided to put down some goals that I hope to shoot for in 2018.

Some of these are definitely going to happen (#12), some will probably happen (#7), and some will be incredibly difficult (#9).

To be honest, some of these seem like they might be unrealistically lofty (#2, #4 & #6).

But if you don’t risk failure, you cannot truly succeed. So here are my 13 (running) plans, goals, & dreams for 2018:

  1. Hit the trails more with my family
  2. Run a Boston Marathon Qualifying Time (3:30)
  3. Volunteer at three trail races
  4. Run a personal best at the 50k distance
  5. Do at least one speed work session per week
  6. Break 24 hours at the 100m distance
  7. Run a bunch of dirty miles, embrace the challenge of bad weather
  8. Run a marathon every month (either a race or in training)
  9. Complete a Western States qualifying race
  10. Run an organized race event every month
  11. Pace another runner
  12. Have fun out there
  13. Stay healthy (this one is for all my Twitter peeps!)



I’ve come up with a couple new dreams for the list…I think I’ll keep adding stuff as my mind runs wild and my dreams grow bigger!

14. Run a sub-20 minute 5k
15. Finish a 100k race
16. Buy a freaking treadmill

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